wAfter School Specials.
welcome to the ASS blog.


-- A.S.S. --

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wSunday, April 27, 2003

ASSes, molasses!!!!!! haha. i miss you BUTT-BUTTS!!! that movie night with theASS boys was fun! too bad A.T.M. freakin' FLAKED on us!!! its not AlanTheMan... its A.T.F... AlanTheFlaker!!!! WEAK! hahahhaha jus' kiddin'.... but "tell me whatcha want, whatcha really, really want!" ALL of those movies=good stuff. especially HELLRAISER3 and MANGLER2... i dunno 'bout that porn though.... that wasn't porn, that was comedy! HA! and it was fun having "half-of-an-ASS" over at the JiN show. if only one of these days it'll be every single one of us. but yeah. SUMMER is coming around the corner... JULY BABiES' celebration!!! "there's a party in your mouth.. everyone's coming!!!!" ahahahhahaha =) ... STELA, where are you?! its almost the end of the semester.. so we gotta "heff' it up" at CHEeeeeSECAKE FACTORY!!! LAURAMAY, its almost the month of *MAY*... which mean everyday is a MAY day! BLEEEEH!!! BOYS&GIRLS... i'm missing and loving you oh so very much! how scary. meet me at the lake so we can throw rocks at turtles. memories.

posted by jamaycastar at 3:23 PM

wWednesday, July 17, 2002

halo people i haven't seen in years. hope everyone's having a wonderful summer. anyways, everyone down for tj this friday?!? hope so. call me or den for the 411. haha. well just wanted to drop by and say a lil' something. how come it's only me and den up in this blog?!? WEEEEEAAAAKKK! i still love you guys! BYE~!

posted by jamaycastar at 3:37 PM

wFriday, July 05, 2002

hey ASSes... heres a place where we can all keep in touch (besides writing in the guestbook)... i guess just type up all your "memorable moments" here... ummm yeah. when's the reunion? hopefully soon. k byebye.
p.s. the blogger.com's server is being dumb, so it won't publish this isshhhh. man, what's up with that?

posted by jamaycastar at 11:29 AM